
Welcome to Membership

During these days of CoVid-19, we are showing videos on Facebook and also on my  YouTube channel  . Thanks for watching, reading, and if you would like to become a member or would like to receive a membership book either digitally or in print form, please call the First Baptist Church of Killeen office at 254-634-6262.   Thanks for stopping by.  An Overview   “Members Only”   “Membership Club”  “Membership Rewards”  “Member dues”   Everywhere we turn, we are bombarded by someone asking us to join something or support a cause, from email to junk mail, from television to pop-up ads, from political groups to social media. The pull can come from even those we are closest to, like family, wedding showers, or our children’s friend’s birthday party.   The pull to join can lead us to become like the proverbial mule who found himself between two haystacks, completely unable to decide which one to eat first. As a result of indecision, the poor mule didn’t eat either